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Use scoreboards

Scoreboards are often used to display dynamically changing information to players, and allay has a build-in scoreboard system. In this section, you will learn how to use scoreboards in your plugin.

Create a Scoreboard

Let's say we want to show the information of the server to the player. Before we send scoreboard to the player, we need to create a scoreboard first:

import org.allaymc.api.scoreboard.Scoreboard;

public class MyScoreboard {
    protected static final Scoreboard info = new Scoreboard("INFO");

Now we create a scoreboard named INFO. Let's add some contents to the scoreboard and send it to the players when they join:

import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.EventHandler;
import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
import org.allaymc.api.scoreboard.Scoreboard;
import org.allaymc.api.server.Server;

import java.util.List;

public class MyScoreboard {
    protected static final Scoreboard info = new Scoreboard("INFO");

    static {

    protected static void update() {
        var networkSettings = Server.SETTINGS.networkSettings();
                "Welcome to the server!",
                networkSettings.ip() + ":" + networkSettings.port()

    public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        info.addViewer(event.getPlayer(), DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR); /*(1)!*/

    public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
        info.removeViewer(event.getPlayer(), DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR); /*(2)!*/
  1. ⭐ We choose to display the information in the sidebar, so that the player can see the information on the right side of the screen

  2. ⭐ Don't forget to remove the player from the scoreboard when they quit the server because the player will not be removed automatically. DisplaySlot should be same as the one you added (DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR in this case).

🥳 And that's it! Now the player will see the server information when they join the server. Here we listened to PlayerJoinEvent and PlayerQuitEvent. For how to use event handler, please refer to here.

Update the Scoreboard

You may want to update the scoreboard when some information changes. For example, when the player count changes, and that's pretty easy:

import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.EventHandler;
import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
import org.allaymc.api.scoreboard.Scoreboard;
import org.allaymc.api.server.Server;

import java.util.List;

public class MyScoreboard {
    protected static final Scoreboard info = new Scoreboard("INFO");

    protected static void update() {
        var networkSettings = Server.SETTINGS.networkSettings();
                "Welcome to the server!",
                "Online: " + Server.getInstance().getOnlinePlayerCount(),
                networkSettings.ip() + ":" + networkSettings.port()

    public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        info.addViewer(event.getPlayer(), DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR);

    public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
        info.removeViewer(event.getPlayer(), DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR);

We just update the scoreboard when player joins or quits the server by using Scoreboard#setLines() method. And the scoreboard will be resent to the existing viewers automatically.

Available Display Slots

In the above examples, we used DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR to display the scoreboard in the sidebar. Allay provides three types of display slots:

Type Description
SIDEBAR Located on the right side of the player's screen, this is the most commonly used slot type.
LIST Located on the online player list, if you want the player screen to stay clean, you can use this slot type.
BELOW_NAME A special slot type which will be shown below player's name tag. Notice that this slot type is very different from the other two types, in most cases you don't need to use this slot type.
