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Create Your First Plugin

Welcome to Allay! Allay provides a powerful plugin system so that you can write plugin in many languages, such as Java, JavaScript, Scala and Kotlin. In this section, we will guide you to create your first plugin in Java.


To develop your first plugin, you will have to install the following prerequisites:

Creating a New Project

We have plugin template that you can use to create your project quickly:

And because you are going to write your plugin in java, we choose the JavaPluginTemplate to create a new project:

  • Click on the green Use this template button and choose Create a new repository on the repository page.
  • Enter the repository name and description. The name should be in camel-case, in this case, we will use MyPlugin as the name.
  • Click on the green Create repository button.

Wait a moment for the repository to be created, and you will be redirected to the repo page of your new project. Then we can clone the repository to our local machine.

Edit the Project Information

After cloning the repository, open the project in IDEA, and we need to change some information:

  • Rename package name from org.allaymc.javaplugintemplate to
  • Rename src/main/java/your/group/name/myplugin/ to src/main/java/your/group/name/myplugin/, there are also some places that you need to change inside the class. Please make sure that this class (the main class) has a default constructor.
  • Find build.gradle.kts file, change group to, also don't forget to change description.
  • Find settings.gradle.kts file, change to MyPlugin.
  • Find src/main/resources/plugin.json file:
  • Change entrance to
  • Change name to MyPlugin.
  • Change authors to ["yourname"]
  • Reload gradle

Build and Install Your Plugin

To build your plugin into a jar file, you need to run the following command:

gradlew shadowJar

And this command will produce a file named MyPlugin-1.0.0-shaded.jar in the build/libs directory. Copying this file to the plugins directory of your Allay server, and start the server to check if your plugin loads and operates as expected.

You can also use the gradle task runServer to start the server and test your plugin if your plugin is using JavaPluginTemplate. This task will download server jar file, build your plugin and move the built plugin to the plugins directory and then start the server:

gradlew runServer
