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Update to The Next Protocol Version

This tutorial will detail the general process Allay uses to complete a protocol version update. In practice, many special situations may arise, and you should not rely entirely on this document.

Update Endstone

Allay uses the Endstone DevTools to export the necessary data from BDS. Therefore, before updating Allay, we need to update Endstone.

Update the First Batch of Resource Files

Please note that resource files must be updated in a specific order. Allay's resource files are stored in data/resources directory.


Unless otherwise specified, the default root directory is data/resources.

Directly update the following files

  • biome_definitions.nbt: obtained from pmmp/BedrockData
  • block_types.json
  • creative_items.nbt
  • entity_identifiers.nbt: obtained from pmmp/BedrockData
  • items.json
  • block_tags_custom.json: this file is manually maintained, and you should check if any IDs need updating.
  • item_tags_custom.json: this file is manually maintained, and you should check if any IDs need updating.
  • recipes.json

Update the files under the unpacked directory

Although these files will not be included in the final jar, they will be used during the code generation process:

  • block_tags.json
  • block_states_raw.json: rename block_states.json to block_states_raw.json and place it in the unpacked directory.
  • item_tags.json
  • block_palette.nbt
  • block_property_types.json: run BlockPropertyTypeGen under data after updating block_palette.nbt
  • biome_id_and_type.json: update it manually as biomes are not updated frequently
  • entity_id_map.json: obtained from pmmp/BedrockData
  • music_definitions.json: obtained from mojang/bedrock-samples
  • sound_definitions.json: obtained from mojang/bedrock-samples

Generate block_states.json

Run BlockStateDataProcessor under data. This script will generate block_states.json based on block_states_raw.json.

Update Lang Files

Firstly, obtain the original language files from BDS and copy them to the unpacked/lang_raw/vanilla directory. Then, run LangBuilder under data. Finally, run TrKeysGen under codegen. With this, the language file update is complete.

Code Generation

Allay completes most repetitive work through code generation. Next, we'll focus on codegen.

Check for changes in music_definitions.json and sound_definitions.json. If changes exist, run SoundNameGen.

Check for changes in biome_id_and_type.json. If changes exist, run BiomeIdEnumGen. This file usually doesn't change much in minor updates.

Check for changes in entity_id_map.json. If changes exist, first run EntityIdEnumGen, then run EntityClassGen. This file usually doesn't change much in minor updates.

Check for changes in item_tags.json and block_tags.json. If changes exist, run TagGen.

Check for changes in block_property_types.json. If changes exist, run BlockPropertyTypeGen.

Run BlockClassGen. This step requires more manual operation:

  • You need to manually delete old blocks. If there are changes in block properties, you need to manually modify them to adapt. You can refer to StateUpdater to understand block changes. By checking if there are errors in server/src/main/java/org/allaymc/server/block/type/, you can quickly determine which block properties have changed. Adapting block properties is not just about modifying the parameters of setProperties(), you also need to adapt the block's code logic, which is crucial!
  • If there is a batch of similar blocks, you need to register new merged block in the registerMergedBlocks() method of BlockClassGen to avoid overcrowding the block class group.

Run ItemClassGen. Similar to blocks, this step also requires a certain amount of manual operation, but the workload is less than before:

  • You need to manually delete old items. If an item has only changed its name, you need to migrate code logic from the old item to the new one.
  • Even if there are no additions or deletions of items, the logic of implemented items may change in the original version. To respect the original version, Allay needs to synchronize changes. However, if we are only discussing protocol updates, this can be deferred.
  • If there is a batch of similar items, you need to register new merged item in the registerMergedItems() method of ItemClassGen to avoid overcrowding the item class group.

Update Dependencies

Update the protocol library Cloudburst/Protocol and the block state updater AllayMC/StateUpdater to the latest version.


You need to update the PACKET_CODEC and MINECRAFT_VERSION in ProtocolInfo. If you can't figure out the new value of MINECRAFT_VERSION, you can refer to pmmp/PocketMine-MP. Make sure the dependency libraries are updated before this!

Test and Complete the Update

Run gradle test to ensure nothing is broken, then update the client and test on the server (this is very important!). The update is now complete.

Update Changelog

After the update is completed, you need to update the changelog. The changelog is stored in
